What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

CBT is an evidence based type of psychotherapy (talk therapy) that is based on the cognitive model developed by Dr Aaron Beck in the 1960s. It relies on the premise that emotions arise because of the ‘automatic thoughts’ that we have about any given situation. Changing these thoughts using different techniques brings about a change in emotion- be it sadness, anger or fear.

Can CBT help me?

CBT has been proven to be beneficial in the treatment of mental illness such as depression and the anxiety disorders including PTSD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD).

It is also extremely helpful in the treatment of long term medical problems like insomnia, overweight or obesity and chronic pain.

What is the difference between a Psychologist, a Psychiatrist and a Therapist?

A Psychologist is a health professional who studies the human mind and behaviour.
A psychologist may practice any of the wide array of psychotherapeutic techniques including CBT.
A Psychiatrist is a trained medical doctor who has specialized in the treatment of mental illness using medications. Some psychiatrists are skilled in CBT.

What should I expect a CBT Session to look like?

CBT differs from some other types of talk therapy in that it is structured (in
such a way as to focus on your goals), collaborative (patient and therapist work
together) and is geared towards helping you solve your specific problems.

Expect warm, professional, non-judgemental and competent help.